
School Leavers

School Leavers

Navigating your future with Amaze isn’t complicated, but our clients find it both thrilling and thought-provoking. The lead-up to the Leaving Cert is inherently stressful, with the focus often solely on exam points. Amidst this pressure, finding time to reflect on your future career path can be challenging.

Sometimes, events like Debs Night take precedence over long-term career planning. Figuring out a path that truly aligns with your natural abilities isn’t easy.

Could you do this on your own? Sure. Can parents, teachers, or friends help? Absolutely.

However, choosing Amaze is for those unsure about their direction, feeling overwhelmed by choices, or seeking practical strategies for a fulfilling career. We offer tailored solutions for individuals facing complexities, seeking diverse options beyond traditional paths, and craving real answers and actionable plans for the future.




The proposition



2 sessions, each about two hours long


Most people feedback that a 4-week period is ideal to allow them to internalise the insights, validate them with family and friends, complete some of the exercises, and research options and be fully confident in their decisions and approach. If necessary, we can accelerate this process to be completed over a much shorter timeframe. These sessions are conducted at a time and place that suits you.

Subjects covered;    

  • We look to objectively determine the unique strengths that the young adult has, through the use of an online psychometric tool. The accuracy rate here, to predict strengths against industry professionals, is greater than 94%.
  • We spend time to understand in place value on those things that excite and energise the student, up until now. There are possibly some clues in there.
  • We develop a vision for what the ideal outcome would be and we craft a career vision that is 100% aligned. This is a powerful tool (almost like a compass) to allows you to open up to alternative approaches, methodologies, sectors and roles that you may not have even known existed.
  • We explore careers already familiar to young adults and help them appreciate how they may (or may not) be them.
  • We get friends and family involved in extending the range of options on offer.
  • We look at the colleges and the next steps that will assist the individual to be the best version of themselves. Not all colleges or courses suit all individuals.
  • We look at a significant range of careers (some known but most available post-third level)
  • We look at the approach and strategy that will best help the candidate make a complete transition towards the successful outcome over the timeframe, address any issues preventing them from moving forward and formulate a plan, (with steps and actions ), that will carry you through the process.
  • We will construct a plan that will be over short, medium- and long-term timeframes; all of which the individual would want to follow through on.


The benefits

These are some of the benefits referred back by students who have benefited from the process…

  •  Increased motivation to study and work in the stressful time coming up to exams. There is now a good reason to study.
  • Knowing why it is that a particular college course, or college, is not the one for you. Better decisions are made around “the right one”
  • Increased awareness of the best study strategies, appropriate to the candidate involved.
  • Enhanced personal belief,  in transitioning away from secondary school to the third level (or entering the workforce).
  • Clarity and optimism around the future.
  • Direction aligned 100% with the individual.
  • Choices and options allow the individual to shine even brighter in the world, especially if they struggle in school or are not considered academically orientated.



€695. This covers the cost associated with the use of the psychometric tool (completed online as in the other scenario above), my time and accumulated expertise from over 32 years of experience in this area.


What’s unique about the proposition?    

In this particular context, having worked extensively with a lot with leaving cert and early college  from a career point of view, Amaze may have a perspective that allows for a better balance for the candidate, when they look for success on the pitch of life


We stay connected and involved until they achieve the outcome they want. In some cases, this can take a long period, especially where additional study, repeats,  other people are involved, or where the practicalities of the situation are more complex.


It’s a support guarantee 24×7 but with no extra costs.




Key learning


From all the engagements I have worked with to date, I can assure you that….


  • When it comes to finding your path, there’s always a solution. Sometimes, the answers are right in front of us, but we might not see them because we’re too close. Picking a regular career is simple, but identifying a future that truly resonates with you and aligns with your strengths is challenging.
  • Discovering your path depends more on what you do rather than what you know or have been taught. It’s not usually a sudden revelation; it’s a journey, not an instant event. Along the way, the support of family and friends can confirm you’re heading in the right direction.
  • Sure, investing in guidance might seem pricey at first. But consider the cost of not making a decision or choosing the wrong path. When you end up in a career you’re passionate about and excel in, it’s priceless.
  • In many cases, parents have found the value of Deb’s guidance far exceeds the initial cost. Deb’s sessions usually last around five hours, but the career they help you find can last a lifetime.