
Career Transitions – Silver Programme

Career Transitions – Silver Programme

This option affords you an intensive coaching session with an experienced career coach.

The programme is structured towards the generation of relevant information in advance of the session and spends the time at the face-to-face session understanding and contextualising the ideal sectors and probable roles that could form part of your future career.

Ideally suited for those who are:

  • Seeking to identify multiple valid options
  • Leaving Cert students who want to know the best career for them in advance of a CAO application for college
  • Seeking quick answers
  • Looking for career direction as opposed to the definitive career move
  • Be sure what they would be great at, irrespective of what their final exam points dictate.


  • Examines the elements of excellent performance. You increase awareness.
  • You get to execute more of the process yourself. It gives you control.
  • Exposes you to valid and objective information that allows you to understand fully why your current environment is not engaging you. You understand at a higher level.
  • Gives you direction in terms of future career options. You get to have a choice.

Structure and content

  • It allows you to comprehensively and objectively understand your strengths in a business context when compared to other individuals in business in the Western World in the 21st century.
  • Recommends a comprehensive suite of sectors and roles where you can excel.
  • It allows you to understand the ideal work environment for you.
  • Generation of a practical short-term plan.
  • There is pre-work, a three-hour coaching session with Amaze, and a follow-up telephone session one week later.


The greatest cost will be in terms of your own time, frustrations, and commitment to making the move.

And there may be an even bigger price or cost… if you do nothing.

We are happy to talk through the cost options, balancing your circumstances, and the value of the service, when we first chat.

 Key learning

From all the interventions we have worked with to date, we can assure you that….

  • There is always an answer, and it always works out.
  • You know some answers already; they are right under your nose. You may be too close to recognise them.
  • Finding out what to do next week is easy; finding a practical framework for the future that you love, and are good at,  is hard.
  • A process like this depends on what you ‘do’, not what you ‘know’.
  • If you choose not to do anything, nothing will change and the gut feelings that gave rise to the way you currently feel will only intensify.
  • Rarely will the answers become clear as in an epiphany. It will be a “process”, rather than an event.
  • Given how unique we all are, nobody can (or has the right) to tell you what to do. But the conversation will open your eyes
  • The best time to do this is leaving school and deciding on future careers. The second-best time? Now!
  • When you find the way forward, your friends will collectively confirm that you are on the right path; and you will know it yourself.
  • For some, the service price can be more than they thought or budgeted for. That’s understandable.  The feedback from those who deferred the decision or did not proceed is that there is also a price to be paid for making the “wrong decision” or “no decision” at all. And when you make the move you want, it will have been the best value you ever had in life.
  • It will wreck your head to start a “discovery process” and not follow through to “make it happen”.

Ships in harbour are safe …. but that’s not what ships are built for.

John Shedd